Potager de La Bastide


To stay at La Bastide de Marie is to immerse yourself in an art of living shaped by the land and the seasons. Nestled in the heart of an agricultural estate, between vineyards, olive groves and lavender fields, a bastide cultivates the authenticity of an art of living shaped by the land and the seasons. A refuge where every path tells a story, between sunny kitchen gardens, gourmet orchards and fragrant gardens.

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La Passion de la Terre

an adventure in the art of living

Nicolas and Marie Sibuet are very familiar with the family estate where they grew up, a place dear to their hearts. Nicolas, a botanical enthusiast like his father, developed the plant side of the business, creating an innovative farm discreetly integrated into the landscape of the Luberon Regional Nature Park.


Treasures of Provence

a living, connected estate

He dreams of a living, connected estate, on a human scale, where nature is omnipresent. A large permaculture garden, growing larger every year, sheltering treasures to be savored at chef François Martin's table, but also in infusions and herbal teas or in the treatments of the Pure Altitude spa. Soon, the cellar's farm restaurant will offer winegrower cuisine in perfect harmony with the estate's wines, complemented by produce from the garden.


Le Jardin

vines, lavender, truffle trees, aromatic plants...

Under the unchanging sun of Provence, our garden is bursting with life. Between vines and lavender, majestic truffle oaks and century-old olive trees flourish. Fig and pomegranate trees add their colors and flavors, while aromatic and medicinal plants perfume the air and enrich our infusions and natural treatments. A true Provencal paradise, where every nook and cranny celebrates nature's bounty!



Pure Honey from Provence

Our 21 hives vibrate with incessant activity, set harmoniously between lavender and olive trees. They are home to bees that forage tirelessly, creating honey of remarkable purity. Each harvest is a marvel, infused with the unique aromas of our terroir. This honey embodies the perfect harmony between our estate and nature, symbolizing our commitment to tradition and environmental preservation.